Suleika shares one of her favorite journaling prompts, written by author Hollye Jacobs. The power of this prompt, Suleika says, lies in its immediacy, in “allowing yourself to daydream but also of writing it in the present tense.”

Imagine yourself at some point in the future — maybe a year from now, maybe five, maybe 10 — living the life of your dreams. This is a normal day, not a holiday or a special day; rather, it is a typical and perfect everyday. What do you see? What do you feel? What do you hear? What do you taste? Who is there with you in your dream day? Describe the day in present tense, from the moment you wake up to the moment that you go to sleep. Creation begins with imagination.

From the NPR Podcast:

I also love her book, “Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted” by Suleika Jaouad.