Our entire life arises out of the tip of intention. Every experience you have, everything that unfolds, comes out of a quality of what is important to you in that moment. An urge manifests.

From: Compass of Our Heart, with Tara Brach. I recommend giving this a watch.

The key to freedom, doing what you want to do, is intention and attention.

Intention starts as a spark. Something inside, within us, or around us, outside of us. It encourages us to try something out, to explore something new, to dive deeper into an endeavor.

Attention is what is required for us to grow this intention into something larger.

Combining the two allow you to accomplish your innermost desires.

Bruce Lee had a very similar philosophy. Something along the lines of three A’s

Take aim at what you want to do, pay attention to it, and constantly affirm your decision.

Affirmations will give you confidence and resilience while you build the skills required to get over initial challenges and the inevitable setbacks you will hit on the road to achieving great things.